Aree Terapeutiche

Innovation and scientific training: the future of rehabilitation medicine


Innovation and scientific training play a key role in shaping the future of rehabilitation medicine. In recent years, interventional rehabilitation medicine and joint infiltrative techniques have undergone a major development that reflects the growing urgency to address osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease that is becoming increasingly common in an ageing population. Osteoarthrosis manifests itself as the degradation of the mechanical and biological properties of hyaluronic acid, which acts as a lubricant and shock absorber within the joints.

Promoting innovation and excellence in rehabilitation medicine by supporting doctors’ scientific training is therefore a priority that should be pursued. IBSA Italy's goal is to provide patients with the best possible care to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life: a challenge that requires an approach combining advanced medical expertise and effective treatments.

Through the provision of accredited courses, the training programme aims to disseminate the latest knowledge in the field of infiltration therapy and is for doctors who are already experts in these methods, such as orthopaedists, physiatrists, interventional radiologists, rheumatologists, interventional general practitioners and sports physicians.

The focus of the courses, centred on advanced ultrasound-guided infiltrative shoulder and hip techniques, has been appreciated by doctors: five courses are planned to be held from March to October at the Universities of Rome and Milan, each of which includes two intensive days and combines theoretical and practical sessions, offering participants the opportunity to acquire advanced skills through exercises on anatomical models and phantoms, as well as cadaver exercises.

“Seeing the interest of doctors and the many requests to join this programme is as gratifying as recognising the commitment of our network of informants who have worked in a targeted manner to involve the best professionals throughout Italy,” states Anna Adinolfi, Senior Product Manager for IBSA Italy. “We are proud to lead the way towards a future where every patient can receive high quality care, supported by science and the training of their doctors.”