Feeling out of place, unaccepted; perceiving the difference with the others as a burden: in our daily lives, each of us experiences a similar situation, which often turns into fragility. Acceptance of oneself and of the other is the first step in creating a fruitful relationship with those perceived as “different”; but diversity does not mean fear, distance, extraneousness: on the contrary, it’s an opportunity for interaction and growth. Diversity becomes “peculiarity”, in the positive sense of the term and, on World Autism Awareness Day, it becomes even more important to reflect on this critical change of scene, in a perspective of true inclusion.
It is precisely in this direction that Fondazione Danelli Onlus operates, together with I Bambini delle Fate (“The Children of Fairies”), carrying out projects and initiatives to support people with disabilities, in particular children with autism. Exchange is the core of the activities of the foundation, which professes a new paradigm for the acceptance of the “different”: it’s necessary to rethink the relationship with the most fragile and walk out of the traditional vision of what can be done for them, to reach a broader and more positive perspective, leading us to wonder what fragile people can give to others.
“The keyword is “beyond”: accepting the challenge of inclusion means promoting interaction and exchange, to establish meaningful relationships”, attested Francesco Chiodaroli, Director of the foundation. “Overcoming diversity allows to give and at the same time receive something in return”.