Awareness campaign

Go live #IBSA2030. Your Future, Our Mission. The project to tell the journey towards sustainability

How to address the challenge of sustainability and make a difference for People, the Community and the Planet? By reinforcing the commitment and determination to return value and a safer and healthier world to future generations and to the community.

This is one of the objectives that IBSA has set itself. Hence, the will of its President and CEO Arturo Licenziati to begin, in 2015, a journey of change and evolution towards the creation of a sustainable company from an environmental, social and governance perspective. To tell this journey towards sustainability, the project #IBSA2030. Your Future, Our Mission was born.

Visit the new section on our official website: Sostenibilità - IBSA Farmaceutici

The project – which is organised in monthly appointments on the social channels of IBSA Group and IBSA Farmaceutici – aims to review in depth the actions and tools implemented by the company to contribute to global development, promote human well-being and protect the environment. Actions that adhere to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set in 2015 by the United Nations in their 2030 Agenda. These 17 Goals address critically important aspects, such as addressing climate change and constructing peaceful societies, fighting inequality and promoting social and economic development. The hope is that every country and all organisations, public and private, can contribute to reaching them, according to their own skills and capabilities.

“#IBSA2030. Your Future, Our Mission”,

IBSA recognises the importance of this initiative and, starting from the second Sustainability Report published in 2018, decided to commit itself on 8 Goals:

  • SDG 3 – Good health and well-being
  • SDG 4 – Quality education
  • SDG 5 – Gender equality
  • SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth
  • SDG 9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production
  • SDG 13 – Climate action
  • SDG 16 – Peace, justice and strong institutions

Looking at the Person as a whole, and not only to the treatment of diseases, IBSA aims to fulfil the promise of a sustainability integrated in the social, environmental and economic dimension, by promoting health, beauty, innovation. The message launched by IBSA is Close to you, as a testimony of the will to act day after day, giving its own positive and constructive contribution for the community.