According to Luca Crippa, CEO of IBSA Italy, “Innovation and people” are “the key elements of strong growth,” both at brand and market level, but they are also the factors that "define a successful leadership.” In the Health Industry interview you can read here, Crippa explains these concepts and concludes by revealing the recipe that has allowed the Swiss multinational to keep all performance indicators positive.
"IBSA is very good at investing in known and, therefore safe and effective, molecules and transforming them into the best form by developing technologies that increase bioavailability or manageability for the doctor and the patient." The second and “perhaps most important pillar on which the company's steady growth rests is people. We have great respect for all those who work for IBSA. For us, they are not “employees,” “office workers,” or “staff”: they are “collaborators” because they collaborate in creating value for patients and doctors and in making the company successful.” Finally, the third key element of IBSA’s strategy is to give back to the territory and the communities that host it part of the value that the company receives from the system in which it operates.