Awareness campaign

Dal Palato alla Tiroide: the showcooking event with Sonia Peronaci celebrating Thyroid Health

The awareness campaign “Dal Palato alla Tiroide” with the extraordinary participation of Sonia Peronaci - TV chef and founder of Giallo Zafferano - aims to raise awareness, dispel false myths and give validated information on the relationship between nutrition and thyroid disorders affecting about 6 million patients in Italy.

After an initial phase of dissemination of advice about foods rich in micronutrients useful for the well-being of the thyroid, users were invited to share their recipes with "thyroid-friendly" ingredients through the campaign and Sonia channels, creating an open and engaging dialogue on the relationship between nutrition and thyroid disorders.

The two best recipes and their  "creators" were selected from the campaign audience and were invited to participate in the exclusive show-cooking event which was held on 13 December in the Sonia Factory in Milan with the active involvement of the Italian Society of Endocrinology: the most awaited moment of the year as part of the Dal Palato alla Tiroide project. The dishes were prepared live thanks to the great expertise and advice of Sonia, accompanied by two expert endocrinologists, Prof. Colao and Prof. Castagna, who gave a precious scientific contribution, answering all the doubts and questions arrived from the public in person and from the web in an open and engaging dialogue.

The evening was an enriching, educational experience, full of useful and validated information that answers the most common fake news and doubts of patients.

“Dal Palato alla Tiroide, with the great success achieved so far, is demonstrating the importance to raise patients' awareness and to provide validated information about their pathology, but also about their lifestyle and nutrition, factors that can contribute to the general well-being of the person and in this case of patients with thyroid disorders" states Alessandra Mirabile, Sr Product Manager of IBSA Italy.

IBSA Italy will keep on supporting the initiative in 2024 with many new contents such us a mini-guide with information about thyroid and all the recipes received from the audience of Dal Palato alla Tiroide.

Stay tuned.