
IBSA Italy Best Social Company Bronze Award

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On the evening of May 16, during the AboutPharma Digital Awards – a leading event within the pharmaceutical, medical device and biotechnology sector, celebrated at the Allianz Cloud in MilanIBSA Italy was awarded the prestigious Best Social Company Bronze Award. Dedicated to projects that use digital tools to communicate with patients and healthcare professionals and institutions, these awards are a tribute to the leadership in digital innovation in the healthcare sector.

Winning the Best Social Company Bronze Award is a significant recognition for IBSA Italy: in addition to ratifying the Company’s ability to adopt dynamic, effective and innovative digital communication, it also testifies to its commitment to studying strategies and platforms oriented towards reaching people – and not just “targets” –, as well as to winning the trust and hearts of users – and not just clicks and views.

With a total of 12 digital projects in 7 categories, the Company reached the panel of finalists not only with “IBSA for Women”, in the category Communication towards Institutions – which testifies to its dedication to promoting campaigns and initiatives focused on inclusiveness and empathy in the workplace – but also with “Ticket to Love”, in the category Patient Engagement and Advocacy, aimed at promoting the empowerment of patients and doctors on the topic of male sexuality.

BEST Social Company

The management of communication in the healthcare sector is, in all likelihood, one of the areas which, over the last decade, sustained the most significant changes. In just a few years, we have witnessed a real multiplication of the opportunities generated by social media, by the web and, more generally, by digitalisation.

Today, patients are informed, hyper-digitalised and proactive in seeking health information. They want to interact with their doctor in an informed manner, and play an active role in selecting the treatment paths and the available therapeutic options. On the other hand, thanks to a generational turnover, we have doctors increasingly open to digital training and updating, capable of exploiting the possibilities offered by the new technologies to interact and promote a greater dialogue with their patients.

Also Patient Advocacy projects – based on listening to and connecting the various actors in the healthcare system – as well as the Disease Awareness Campaigns, which play a crucial role in reducing the knowledge gap on conditions, today have found new forms of expression and engagement, thanks to digital technologies.

On these bases, digital communication is an increasingly central growth lever for intercepting and engaging different audiences with personalised messages, in compliance with the limitations imposed by the regulatory context, which with regard to health communication is particularly stringent.

An ever-changing landscape, therefore, where it is necessary to be ready to listen, knowing how to meet the needs of the interlocutors one intends to reach. In particular, listening to the needs of patients and doctors, and produce projects and platforms that perfectly respond to such needs, create actual empowerment and promote human interconnections. All this while ensuring a form of communication that is always fresh, smart, authoritative and innovative.

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