2023 is off to a great start with “RaccontARTi”, a mini-series in 4 episodes on air from January, created exclusively for the BabyHeART community in collaboration with Georgette Polizzi an outstanding testimonial and well-known artist and television personality who has courageously revealed her journey to become a mother through Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). L’Inizio [Beginning], l’Attesa [Waiting], la Resilienza [Resilience] and la Rinascita [Revival] are the titles of 4 real-life episodes that ideally correspond to the 4 stages of the journey to becoming parents through ART, in which G. Polizzi will speak from the heart about her experience, from the most difficult moments pervaded by fears, anxieties and uncertainties, to the joy of succeeding and making her dream come true.
RaccontARTi: the new awareness campaign dedicated to Fertility
The Beginning, the Waiting, Resilience, and Rebirth are the titles of the 4 episodes of lived life that ideally correspond to four phases of the journey to becoming parents through Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), in which Georgette Polizzi will speak openly about her experience. From the most challenging moments filled with fears, anxieties, and uncertainties to the joy of succeeding and realizing her dream.
In addition to her communication skills, the testimonial will also highlight her artistic qualities: speaking directly from her laboratory, she will demonstrate how feelings and emotions can take shape and express themselves through drawings, shapes and colours.
The project, RaccontARTi, takes its name from this combination of art, narrative and technology, and the abbreviation ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology), as also present in the name BabyHeART.
Each episode will be followed by a commentary from an expert psychotherapist from the Reproductive Psychology Group - SIFES, who will translate the specific moment described in the episode into a psychological key, offering positive insights and advice to help maintain peace of mind and emotional stability. The “RaccontARTi” campaign forms part of the evolutionary process of BabyHeART already began in 2022 with the podcast project, as a point of reference for couples seeking qualified information, a forum to meet and share lived experiences in the hope of helping aspiring parents face the ART journey with greater confidence and peace of mind.
In the wake of the success of the podcasts, which feature twelve stories documenting couples who have embarked on the ART journey, available on Spotify and the BabyHeART social media, IBSA has decided to invest in this direction using innovative multimedia and communication tools to involve couples through personal experiences and testimonials, to raise awareness that it is possible to become parents through devices offered by science and mother nature.
“Raccontarti è un’iniziativa dedicata a tutte quelle donne, nostre amiche, parenti e conoscenti, che troppo spesso si ritrovano da sole con tante paure e mille domande ad affrontare il delicato percorso alla ricerca di un figlio – afferma Sharon Gulisano Senior Product Manager - Human Reproduction. "Sono orgogliosa di questo nuovo progetto di IBSA Farmaceutici e della nuova direzione in cui stiamo andando con la community di BabyHeART perché dare finalmente voce al problema della fertilità, offrendo informazioni puntuali sul tema grazie ad una testimonianza vera come quella di Georgette Polizzi, rappresenta un’opportunità di confronto e scambio imperdibile che può fare la differenza per tutte le desiderose future mamme".
“Raccontarti is an initiative dedicated to all those women, our friends, relatives and acquaintances, who all too often find themselves alone with so many fears and a thousand questions when faced with the delicate matter of trying to have a child" – explains Sharon Gulisano, Senior Product Manager - Human Reproduction. "I’m proud of this new IBSA Farmaceutici project and the new direction we are taking with the BabyHeART community, because the problem of fertility is finally being given a voice. It offers timely information on the subject based on genuine testimonies like that of Georgette Polizzi, and creates an opportunity for discussion and invaluable exchange, which may make a difference to all hopeful future mothers”.