Environment, Social, Governance: these are the three words behind the much talked about acronym ESG, on which a widespread public debate on the issue of sustainability has been raised, also due to the social, economic and environmental difficulties we are currently experiencing. The so-called ESG transition has so far been perceived as a largely economic-financial and technological process, but the current historical moment has made it clear that this transition can become a real change only with the involvement of the people and the active participation of everyone, with new ideas and gestures, to be applied in everyday life.
IBSA Farmaceutici joins ESG Culture LAB, the Observatory on the value of human capital within a sustainable transformation

And this is precisely the direction taken by IBSA Farmaceutici, which has long since embarked on a comprehensive sustainability path which looks at all aspects of corporate life: from environmental sensitivity to corporate culture, up to the responsibility and the commitment to create value within its own reference community. These are some of the key principles of the vision that the IBSA has made its own, and which the Company aims to promote and disseminate, starting precisely from its collaborators.
With this objective in mind, the Company has joined ESG Culture LAB, an Observatory established by Eikon Strategic Consulting Italia in collaboration with the Adnkronos Group, which involves the Sustainability, Communication and Human Resources Managers of the participating companies, and aims to value and involve people and companies in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. Indeed, companies have a great responsibility, not only with regard to the upgrade of their production infrastructures or in fostering inclusion processes, but also in promoting sustainable behaviours among their collaborators; and it is on the building and sharing of a culture centred on ESG domains that the Observatory aims to discuss, analyse and reflect, to find new lines of action for the future.
In fact, the Observatory promotes the first major national survey on the culture of sustainability, an investigation that was launched during the SOLE24Ore Sustainability Forum on 26 October last.
To what extent do citizens feel involved in the sustainable transformation? How do they evaluate the commitment of the country and of companies and institutions?
The path includes a survey on a representative sample of the Italian population, as well as an assessment of the ESG culture of companies and organisations. The results of the survey will be published in the ESG Culture LAB’s 2022 Report, which will be presented on November 29, 2022, during a dedicated event, with the presence of institutional representatives, journalists and top managers of the partner companies. The meeting will be an opportunity for debate and discussion on the different experiences, as well as on the projects, the goals set and the commitments of each partner company.

IBSA will take part in the project by administering to all its collaborators a narrative questionnaire centred on three different areas: the propensity of employees towards sustainable behaviour in their personal sphere of action; their assessment of the company’s commitment to a sustainable transformation; and their perception of the role of the country in achieving ESG objectives.
The internal survey is a research-action tool for both individual collaborators and the company: on the one hand, it returns to each employee an ESG identikit concerning their mind-set and the actions that their profile carries out or can carry out in the future, thus creating greater awareness, and, on the other hand, it will allow the Company to understand the importance of the different ESG profiles within the corporate community, and to what extent the activities are known and valued.
An effective overview, that measure the “temperature” of the current sensitivity within the Company, and that can be a starting point for reflecting and planning future activities, in order to build together a broader ESG culture, capable of investing in individual values and behaviours.