Awareness campaign

#regalatevilasalute. Launch of the new sexual health campaign

#regalatevilasalute (give yourself the gift of health) is an awareness campaign which promotes couples’ sexual health education in the era of new normal. Sexual health is a fundamental marker, and it is essential to raise awareness among the young – the principal target group of the campaign – to look after themselves.

The project was conceived by Doctor Carlo Gastaldi, Head of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit of the Istituto Clinico in the city of Brescia. It enjoys buy-in from a prestigious group of opinion leaders such as Professor Sergio Pecorelli, a gynaecologist of international repute and the former president of AIFA, Professor Roberto Burioni, a virologist and one of the best-known scientific communicators, Professor of sexology, Emmanuele Jannini and Doctor Silvia Bonetti, a colleague of Doctor Gastaldi.

regalatevilasalute-nuova-campagna-benessere-sessuale-IBSA- Farmaceutici-Silvia-Bonetti-Roberto-Burioni-Carlo-Gastaldi-Emmanuele-Jannini- Sergio-Pecorelli-Elena-Bonetti

#regalatevilasalute, was launched today in Milan with the extraordinary participation of the Minister for Equal Opportunities and Family Policies Elena Bonetti, also enjoys support from the Basketball League Series A - LBA – which supports the campaign’s values and its educational purpose aimed at "protection of your own sexual health". For this reason, the initiatives and events organised in collaboration with the LBA on match days, will focus on the young by promoting a clear and strong educational message concerning their own health.

IBSA Pharmaceuticals, which has always been committed to matters concerning couples’ sexual health and fertility, has also undertaken to endorse the initiative and support the project.

To learn more about the campaign topics and to read about all the linked initiatives please visit the site
