
IBSA sets its sights on a new aim: IMQ certification for the Quality System governing the entire supply chain and all operating sites

IBSA has always pursued a business model based on guaranteeing quality along the entire supply chain.

In this constant drive to pursuing high quality standards, the IBSA team responsible for Quality has achieved a major goal: bringing the quality system at its production sites, research centres and operational offices in line with the standards of the IMQ Notified Body.

IBSA’s Quality System guides all the company’s activities and monitors the entire supply chain, guaranteeing a responsible approach at every step; from manufacture to sales of products aimed at caring for people. IBSA’s Quality System governs all activities in the research laboratory, where products are designed and planned; quality checks on all raw materials used; supplier selection for each raw material chosen; manufacturing activities within sites and also monitoring of products once they leave the factory to be delivered to pharmacies and hospitals, gathering and processing feedback information in order to always seek to further improve safety and effectiveness.

That is why it is so important for IBSA that its production sites in Lodi and Cassina, as well as its research centres in Lodi, Cassina and Ariano Irpino and operating sites in Lodi and Rome have a single defined Quality System certified by a single external body which has confirmed its standardisation and full compliance with the requirements of the voluntary international standards ISO 13485:2016 and ISO 9001:2015, as a further guarantee of quality control of all processes.