Awareness campaign

#anchiomammaTALK: on 1 September, a series of events dedicated to parenting in patients with autoimmune diseases begins

The #anchiomammaTALK initiative is part of the #anchiomamma campaign, an information and dissemination project in support of women of childbearing age with autoimmune rheumatic or skin diseases promoted by the patient associations ANMAR Onlus, Fondazione Corazza and APMARR APS (the Italian National Association for People with Rheumatic and Rare Diseases). The initiative, consisting of eight online meetings addressing the most fascinating and topical issues on maternity and autoimmune rheumatic and skin diseases, is supported by IBSA Farmaceutici, which has always been involved in projects in support of fertility and medically-assisted procreation.

#anchiomamma was created with the aim of supporting women who wish to become mothers but who also live with an autoimmune rheumatic or skin disease, providing them with up-to-date, clear information validated by experienced doctors. Under the guidance of rheumatologists, dermatologists and gynaecologists, today it is possible to plan a pregnancy without risk to the mother or her baby. Within this context, the TALKs will be real moments of discussion with renowned doctors and experts on all aspects related to such pathologies. The end goal of this series of events is therefore to create a strand of activities that feeds the virtuous circle of communication and acts as a starting point for broader public engagement in these issues. This public is not only composed of patients with autoimmune, rheumatic and skin diseases and their caregivers, but also involves all those interested in these issues.

The first event, scheduled for 1 September at 6.30 p.m., will be entitled "Women of childbearing age with autoimmune diseases". Over subsequent weeks, the following topics will be addressed: counselling in autoimmune diseases, managing autoimmune disease during pregnancy, the relationship between sexuality and autoimmune diseases, the opportunities offered by medically-assisted procreation techniques to patients with autoimmune diseases, parenting with autoimmune diseases, treatment management and, finally, progress in gender-specific medicine for the treatment of autoimmune diseases.

Chairing the events will be Elena Meli, a biologist with a doctorate in pharmacology and toxicology, formerly a researcher in the field of neuroscience and currently a forensic medical journalist (Corriere Salute, lo Donna and Focus).

Luca Crippa, CEO & Managing Director, says that 'IBSA is proud to work side-by-side with the associations promoting the #anchiomamma project. In fact, our company has always promoted projects to support parenting, offering support to women, men and couples in facing the difficult task of being parents'.

To follow the meetings live, all you need to do is visit the Facebook page @anchiomamma on 1 September.

For those unable to attend the event live, all the videos will be available on the website