“Our philosophy in the field of skin aesthetics is ‘stay yourself’: no botulinum, no ‘transformation’ of people into someone else, but simply a process of cellular rejuvenation of the skin.” This is the winning recipe of IBSA Italy, presented by our CEO, Luca Crippa, in an interview with Il Sole 24 Ore that you can read here.
The occasion for the interview was an analysis by the Confindustria newspaper of the boom in aesthetic medicine, a sector in which IBSA is among the world leaders. What is more important is to have had the opportunity to present to the general public all the benefits offered by the combination of prawn sage with a complex of natural high- and low-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid that protects the skin from premature aging and counters oxidative stress. Wellbeing all made in Italy: the cream is produced exclusively in IBSA laboratories in Lodi and Milan and all the biomass used comes from farms in Piedmont and Sicily.