IBSA for Women

One of the 4 pillars of IBSA is Person, as patient but also collaborator.
From this thought comes the campaign #IBSAforWomen, a communication project dedicated to the women that wants to enhance the talent who daily play a key role within the company and the society .

Prevention, STEM, work-life balance, sport, wellness and beauty, these are four themes addressed and deepened in this project that aims to focus on women, their value, both in working life and in society. Many are also women who hold top positions within IBSA. Women’s leadership is a source of pride for the company, which believes in its own resources, recognizes their merits, promotes their personal and professional growth and, at the same time, is committed to ensuring a great place to work.

Today’s Celebration, Everyday Prevention

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, IBSA Farmaceutici launches the campaign IBSA for Women, to celebrate women and raise awareness of a very important and valuable topic: prevention. A critical topic, which includes the commitment that the company has made to improve people’s health and well-being, going beyond the therapeutic aspect and thinking of the individual as a whole. The March 8 anniversary is therefore one more occasion to devote a moment of attention to the health of all women, starting with importance of prevention. Indeed, every IBSA female collaborator will have the chance to benefit from a free breast check-up and gynaecological visit with Pap smear, two tests useful for diagnosing the most common female cancers: breast and cervical cancer.

Our R&D women

IBSA strongly believes in the great competence of its female personnel: 47% of the people currently employed in the company are women and the Research & Development division is made up of 70%, divided into the laboratories of Lodi, Cassina de’ Pecchi and Ariano Irpino as researchers, analysts, experts specialised in various fields. With their know-how, but above all thanks to their characteristic passion and dedication, IBSA female researchers can make a significant contribution to a company that continues to consider innovation one of its fundamental pillars.

Work Life Balance

The question is as simple as its answer is difficult: can a healthy balance between work and private life be found? If yes, how? The harmony between personal life and work – better known as work-life balance – requires a daily commitment which for women seems to be much more burdensome than that of their male peers. The plethora of activities that a woman has to face on a daily basis can indeed amount to a “double day”, that is, the day lived full time while performing a job or a professional activity and that dedicated to domestic and family responsibilities, as well as – not be overlooked – to personal errands. The third episode of IBSA for Women talk about this important matter. Watch the video! 

Wellness e Sport

Dedicated to the topic of wellness, the fourth chapter of the #IBSAforWomen project takes inspiration from the recent prestigious collaboration signed with the Italian Basketball Federation (FIP, Federazione Italiana Pallacanestro), which will associate IBSA also with the national women’s basketball team until 2026.The partnership with the Italian team is another step forward in a path that exalts sport as a tool for conveying important messages and values, in line with the culture and mind-set of IBSA, which has always been committed to achieving a society that pays more attention to the person and their general psychophysical well-being.

A tribute to courage and passion

In this video, we've gathered testimonies from the players of AS Roma, the reigning champions of Italy, as an example for all the young girls and women who aspire to achieve their dreams. It's a tribute to the courage and passion of women who, despite the adversities they face, have distinguished themselves as talented athletes without ever ceasing to believe in their dreams.
These stories serve as examples of resilience and strength for all future generations entering this world. A world that requires passion, determination, and talent. Therefore, the invitation is to look beyond the barriers that may initially seem insurmountable, but with perseverance and commitment must be overcome to achieve not only one's goals but above all, one's dreams.

When heart and will unite for good

In this video interview, Maria Vittoria Rava  President of the Foundation – tells us about the initiatives aimed at supporting women and children in difficult situations with a key message: together, we can really make a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable people.

Born over twenty years ago in memory of Francesca Rava, the Foundation takes up her legacy of love and responsibility; indeed, it is dedicated to helping vulnerable children and women in Italy as well as in the world’s poorest countries, with the aim of offering empowerment rather than welfare dependency.

When the heart and the will to do good come together, extraordinary collaborations are born, like that between Francesca Rava Foundation and IBSA Italy.