Corporate Social Responsibility

One story a day. From the authors of Parole Fertili one small gesture to feel closer

One story a day every day, because stories help us win over fear and stay together not only in successful moments, but also in the most difficult ones. This is the new initiative of Parole Fertili, the project supported by IBSA as part of its Social Responsibility activities dedicated to couples who embark on a journey towards parenthood. From March 16th every day at 6.00 pm on the @paroleFertili Facebook page a member of the community selects and reads one of the many stories posted on the platform. 

Everyone can participate, simply choosing a story from the community, reading it on video or audio and sending it in private to Parole Fertili's Facebook page or by mail to

In this way, every day Parole Fertili wants to offer a moment of sharing, meeting, company and dialogue. This new feature entitled #LettureFertili will help us to be united even at a distance, because in this period it is even more important to share, to feel part of a community and, above all, to travel.

Yes, because travelling is even more important when we cannot do it physically. That's why there are stories: each one is a journey and like every journey, stories are also made up of both happy and difficult moments. When things are going well it is nice to be able to share joy with someone, while when things are not going well it is important to feel the comfort of a friendly voice, other travellers who understand us.

This new initiative fully represents the spirit of Parole Fertili: from the digital storytelling platform to the book "Parole Fertili. Viaggio alla ricerca di un figlio" (Journey towards parenthood), up to the theatrical performance "Quasi genitori" (Almost Parents), has always been a meeting and sharing place for all women and men who have undertaken the complex path of Medically Assisted Reproduction.

"We at IBSA are proud to support this project because with Parole Fertili we want to give all couples a certainty: no one will be left alone, regardless of the destination of the journey or the end of the story".  - Patrizia Puppi, Corporate Communication & CSR Manager of IBSA Farmaceutici.